Sri U. G. Reddy, an eminent educationist in the Twin Cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad, is a visionary par excellence, a meticulous planner with an unbound determination & hardwork and with untiring efforts has steered the institutions under the management of St. Joseph’s Education Society, to the pinnacles of success for over 35 years.

Sri. U.G. Reddy, an epitome of perseverance, began his humble journey of imparting quality education to the young minds through the St. Joseph’s Education Society established in 1970. Over the years there emerged five schools namely St. Anthony’s High School (SSC Curriculum), Queen Mary’s Junior College for Girls, St. Mary’s Upper Primary School, St. Joseph’s Public School, King Koti & St. Joseph’s High School, King Koti. Under his able guidance and leadership all his school flourished preparing the students to face the challenges of the world. Subsequently two more branches of ICSE Schools – one at Asmangadh and the other at Habsiguda – were opened. His vision in moulding the students, his readiness to provide facilities, his broad outlook to incorporate modern methods into teaching process has resulted in maintaining a unique standard in all his schools.
In order to bring about cooperation and coordination among all ICSE schools in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, Sri U. G. Reddy started the Association of ICSE & ISC Schools (AISCE), A.P. in 1997 and St. Joseph’s Public School, King Koti as the Registered Office. His relentless efforts as the Secretary & Treasurer for over 15 years in bringing all school together has made the Regional Association a strong body looking into the matters concerning the CISCE Curriculum and syllabus and implementing the same. Through the Regional Association the students get a wonderful opportunity to prove their talent and skills in sports and literary activities both at Regional and National level. His generosity in donating an acre land in Habsiguda, Hyderabad to the Council, to start the Regional Office of the Council in South India, is only a simple example of his involvement in the activities of the Council. His intension to make the Council more accessible to the schools in South India has taken a shape as the Council started the construction of the building for its office at the site.
Sri U. G. Reddy always has the vision of empowering students with leadership qualities. When he became the Secretary of UN Council for A.P., he took upon his shoulders the task of coordination with all schools in Hyderabad district and organizing programmes to commemorate the UN Day, 24th October. The UN Council for A.P functions under the directive of DEO who is the ex-officio Chairman of the UN Council. Invitations are sent to all schools in October to participate in events like Model Session, Intra India Morning, International Evening, Essay writing competition and cultural events. The Model Session which is modelled on the UN General Assembly provides an opportunity for the students to represent different countries to discuss the world issues and offer solutions.
His philosophy that no child should be deprived of education draws the children to this magnificent institution in large numbers. A unique combination of moral and human values and scientific approach to education transforms the child who steps in with dreams into a confident and responsible human being who can take on the challenges of the world.
Sri. U.G Reddy, time and again proved that in order to make one’s dreams come into reality one needs to put in a lot of determination, self-discipline and efforts.
Life can bring opportunities, the world can propel your progress, but the only way to get further, to go all the way, is through hard work, dedication and sincerity. If you love what you do, there are hundreds of opportunities, if you surround yourself with good, right – minded people and good books and if you are in touch with avenues where you are corrected, educated to live a right life, there is no dearth of chances. The perfection in us manifests through education and speaks through our noble deeds. When we assume the responsibility of strengthening the nation through education, we tread on a path where every step demands our best attention.
In the ever changing scenario of the world, it is the moral responsibility of every educational institution to groom the child according to the growing needs of the new age. Our effort is to energize our students to the core principles of success like confidence, courage and conduct, keeping in touch with our culture, traditions and values. Our aim is to see that our students grow to be global citizens, proud Indians and finally good human beings.
It was a humble beginning in the year 1980 with a mere 18 staff members and 350 students. The school has grown impressively for over 35 years, with the staff crossing 250 and the strength of the students about 5500. A strong foundation of values and contemporary outlook encourages the students to emerge as multifaceted individuals ready to take on the world.
While addressing the needs of every student and channelizing the intellect of every learner, a congenial, happy and positive environment is honed where each child feels secure, loved and respected. Looking beyond the present, stability and certainty is what we care for.
While wishing for the years full of activity and achievements, there are prayers for peace, balance and harmony around the world in an atmosphere of healthy give and take.
Best Wishes to all.
Governing Council
To maintain absolute transparency in the functioning of the school and allow fresh inflow of constructive suggestions from different spheres a governing body is constituted comprising members from the Management, teaching staff and parents. During the course of regular meeting of this body a review of the important matters pertaining to the improvement of the infrastructure and other facilities is done. The parent body is well informed about the future course of action and their valuable feedback and opinion is sought.